Tranquil Tails
          I have known and worked with Penny Paiser-Wilson and her pets for more than 20 years.  I deeply respect and admire her dedication to the comfort, safety and well being of our furry companions.

She is a compassionate and skilled pet advocate. 

Penny’s advanced training in animal communication and acupressure are skills that compliment her common sense and innate compassion for the well being of the pets she cares for.

I know her to be a compassionate and skilled animal communicator and pet animal acupressure practitioner.

Without any reservation I would heartily recommend the services of Penny PaiserWilson for the care of my own pets and yours too!


Pat Mahoney DVM             

Veterinarian, American Animal Hospital, Neenah

Providing 32 years of compassionate, excellent pet practice care

Penny was extremely sensitive to Ash's unique needs.  I was completely comfortable having Penny work on Ash and Ash seemed so much better afterword.
Penny is a very kind and caring person.


Cristie W.

I was a very skeptical about alternative treatments, but Penny's work with my dog Sandy was incredible.  Sandy lived a quality life right to the end and I don't believe she would have been as active throughout her cancer without Penny's work; And walks were everything to Sandy! I appreciate the empathy and care Penny gave her and how much  it contributed to the quality of her life.   Alternative therapies have been around for thousands of years and now I know why.  Count me in as a believer.

Anna T.